CityVille Wiki
Sweeping Ashley
Sweeping Ashley
Sweeping Ashley Caught

Sweeping Ashley is one of the bandits in CityVille added with the expansion of the Police station: Level 6.


"If there's enough room for my broom, there's enough room for me to squeeze in and clean up!"


To capture a bandit, first collect rent from any of your businesses. When collecting rent from a business, you have a 20% chance of having a bandit appear. She will appear in your city near the business they robbed and walk around the same way the citizens appear except they also have a small box over their head. Click this box to capture them. To capture Sweeping Ashley there must be 6 officers on patrol, so you must have Donuts-doober 6 Donuts.


Icon Wall Post
Sweeping Ashley-feed Bandit Bulletin: Player Captures Sweeping Ashley!
Player made a clean sweep by locking up Sweeping Ashley! The citizens are dancing on the roof with joy! Celebrate with a donut!


Capturing Sweeping Ashley will reward you with red gems worth Coins-icon 1300 Coins and a Sweeping Ashley (collectible) for the Super Villains Collection. Under level 7, your reward will be 1300 coins.
