CityVille Wiki
CityVille Wiki
Swimming Lessons
Swimming Lessons-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 10
Release DateJanuary 5, 2012
DescriptionLet's stock up on plenty of fruits and vegetables so you can stick to your New Year's Resolution!
Mission fromCourtney Flex 2-icon Courtney Flex
Harvest cropsHarvest 40 Cranberry crops
(Cash-icon 80 Cash)
Harvest cropsHarvest 40 Carrot crops
(Cash-icon 80 Cash)
Swim Goggle-iconAsk for 12 Swim Goggles
(Cash-icon 36 Cash)
Item UnlockedHealth Complex Level 3-icon Health Complex
Goal Completion
DescriptionWow, you're a great swimmer! Let's upgrade the Health Complex now for free! Click on your Health Complex to complete the upgrade.
Coins ShareCoins-icon 250 Coins
Get Healthier-icon Get Healthier Swimming Lessons-icon Swimming Lessons Match Point-icon Match Point

Swimming Lessons is a normal City goal in CityVille. It is the second goal of Act 2 of the New Year's Resolutions 2012-icon New Year's Resolutions 2012 Saga.

Courtney Flex says: "Living healthier doesn't just mean exercising more. It also means eating healthier as well!"


Feed newyearsresolutions 3 City is making a New Year's Resolution to live healthier!

Player is eating a lot more fruits and vegetables so far this year! It looks like they're not only living healthier but they're eating healthier, too!
