CityVille Wiki
The Abyssal Sea Exploration
The Abyssal Sea Exploration-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 20
Release DateAugust 1-31, 2014
DescriptionYour city is going to expand abyssal sea. Hidden below the darkness are a wealth of exciting curiosities! Let's put together an expedition team and find the unknown secret treasures!
Act 1: Guarantee Of Science
Oceanics InstituteVessel CenterSeawater Monitor Center
Act 2: Beyond The Darkness
Acoustic Positioning StationSunken LighthouseAbyssal Fairyland
Act 3: Abyssal Oikesis
Abyssal MicropolitanAbyssal Commercial MallAbyssal Hydroelectric Station
ItemMariana Trench-icon Mariana Trench
Goal Completion
DescriptionThat was fantastic! You conquered abyssal sea and got endless resource. You made it a great achievement!
XP ShareXP-icon 100 XP
Goods ShareGoods-icon 200 Goods

Timed Goal-icon The Abyssal Sea Exploration is a game-wide goal in CityVille that requires the completion of 27 goals to earn the Grand Prize of the Mariana Trench. All goals may be completed in any order once made available. Players have until October 13, 2014 to complete the Saga.

Completing Act 1-3 will reward Goods-icon 200 Goods to 5 other players via the Wall Post. Likewise, completing the Saga will reward XP-icon 100 XP.

Act 1: Guarantee Of Science[]

Reward: Exploration Vessel
Exploration Vessel-icon

Oceanics Institute[]

First Step-icon First Step Keep On Working-icon Keep On Working Guarantee Of Science-icon Guarantee Of Science
Coins-icon 50,000 Coins
XP-icon 150 XP
Goods-icon 1,000 Goods
Zoning Permit-icon 3x Zoning Permits
Bonus Crew-icon 2x Bonus Crew
Coins-icon 100,000 Coins

Vessel Center[]

Build A Workshop-icon Build A Workshop Larger And More-icon Larger And More Vessel Ready-icon Vessel Ready
XP-icon 200 XP
Goods-icon 1,500 Goods
Bonus Crew-icon 3x Bonus Crew
Coins-icon 80,000 Coins
XP-icon 400 XP
Zoning Permit-icon 3x Zoning Permits

Seawater Monitor Center[]

Seawater Research-icon Seawater Research Severe Strain-icon Severe Strain Ready For The Adventure-icon Ready For The Adventure
XP-icon 200 XP
Goods-icon 2,500 Goods
XP-icon 300 XP
Zoning Permit-icon 5x Zoning Permits
Coins-icon 200,000 Coins
Bonus Crew-icon 3x Bonus Crew
Preparations went splendidly! You're ready for the underwater adventure!
— Act 1 Completion

Act 1 Completion Share[]

AbyssalSeaSagaAct1Q1feed City is preparing for the Abyssal Sea Exploration!

The Underwater citizens are giddy with excitement. What will City find on their expedition?

Act 2: Beyond the Darkness[]

Reward: Abyssal Fairyland Statue
Abyssal Fairyland Statue-icon

Acoustic Positioning Station[]

Search For The Trench-icon Search For The Trench Be Patient-icon Be Patient That It Is!-icon That It Is!
XP-icon 150 XP
Goods-icon 1,500 Goods
Coins-icon 50,000 Coins
Zoning Permit-icon 3x Zoning Permits
XP-icon 300 XP
Bonus Crew-icon 3x Bonus Crew

Sunken Lighthouse[]

Supply Depot-icon Supply Depot Not Done Yet-icon Not Done Yet Ready To Dive-icon Ready To Dive
XP-icon 200 XP
Goods-icon 1,500 Goods
Coins-icon 80,000 Coins
Zoning Permit-icon 5x Zoning Permits
XP-icon 400 XP
Bonus Crew-icon 4x Bonus Crew

Abyssal Fairyland[]

What's This-icon What's This Help From Mermaids-icon Help From Mermaids Beyond The Darkness-icon Beyond The Darkness
XP-icon 250 XP
Goods-icon 2,000 Goods
Anglerfish-icon Anglerfish Energy-icon 10 Energy
Bonus Crew-icon 5x Bonus Crew
Great news, one of the Citizens found something! It must be from Atlantis. You found it!
— Act 2 Completion

Act 2 Completion Share[]

AbyssalSeaSagaAct2Q1feed City has conquered abyssal sea!

Citizens of City is celebrating the great achievement of conquering abyssal sea and going beyond the darkness.

Act 3: Abyssal Oikesis[]

Reward: Abyssal Whirlpool
Abyssal Whirlpool-icon

Abyssal Micropolitan[]

Let's Build An Abyssal City-icon Let's Build An Abyssal City Running Of Abyssal City-icon Running Of Abyssal City Adaptation And Survival-icon Adaptation And Survival
XP-icon 150 XP
Bonus Crew-icon 5x Bonus Crew
Coins-icon 100,000 Coins
Zoning Permit-icon 5x Zoning Permits
XP-icon 300 XP
Goods-icon 4,000 Goods

Abyssal Commercial Mall[]

Abyssal Mall-icon Abyssal Mall Not Enough Yet-icon Not Enough Yet Abyssal Shopping-icon Abyssal Shopping
XP-icon 200 XP
Goods-icon 2,500 Goods
Coins-icon 150,000 Coins
Zoning Permit-icon 5x Zoning Permit
XP-icon 400 XP
Bonus Crew-icon 3x Bonus Crew

Abyssal Hydroelectric Station[]

Ocean Energy-icon Ocean Energy Water Power-icon Water Power Renewable Resource-icon Renewable Resource
XP-icon 300 XP
Goods-icon 2,500 Goods
Coins-icon 600,000 Coins
Zoning Permit-icon 5x Zoning Permit
Energy-icon 10 Energy
Bonus Crew-icon 7x Bonus Crew
Fantastic job! In a way, you are now the Mayor of Atlantis!
— Act 3 Completion

Act 3 Completion Share[]

ASSagaAct3 Q1feed City is living in abyssal sea!

It is a grand achievement of City that it can live, survival and even use the abyssal sea.

Grand Prize[]

Reward: Mariana Trench
Mariana Trench-icon

Completion Share[]

AbyssalSeaSagaAct1feed City completed the Abyssal Sea Saga

City has conquered abyssal sea and got endless resource! You should come and have a look!
