CityVille Wiki
Travel the World!
Travel the World!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 30
DescriptionAs you collect shipments from destinations, you unlock great souvenirs from places around the world!
Mission fromTasha
Master airlines iconMaster London Cargo to 3 Stars
(Cash-icon 150 Cash)
Collect corner store iconCollect from 50 Businesses
(Cash-icon 75 Cash)
Collect hotel icon2Collect from 15 Hotels
(Cash-icon 210 Cash)
ItemVintage Cargo Hangar-icon Vintage Cargo Hangar
Goal Completion
DescriptionWow, time flies when you’re having fun! Well, it’s been a pleasure being your wingman! See you soon!
Run Your Airport!-icon Run Your Airport! Travel the World!-icon Travel the World!

Travel the World! is a goal in CityVille.

Tasha says: "One great thing about flying to different cities to collect cargo is that you get to see the world at the same time!"

Announce airports

Feed airports City is reaching for the sky with its new Airport!

Player really enjoyed sitting in first class on the plane today. Well, they enjoyed it until the flight attendant kicked them out of the seat and sent them back to coach.
