CityVille Wiki
Tunes 2 Go
Tunes 2 Go-icon
Image © Zynga
RequirementsXP-icon Level 20
Unlock costCash-icon 58 Cash
CostCoins-icon 625,000 Coins
ConstructionEnergy-icon 6 Energy
SuppliesPremium Goods-icon 365 Premium Goods
EarningsCoins-icon 2,205-3,614 Coins
EfficiencyCoins-icon 9.00 Coins per Goods-icon Good

Tunes 2 Go is a 2x2 business in Downtown CityVille.

It costs Coins-icon 625,000 Coins and takes Energy-icon 6 Energy to build. Supplying it consumes Premium Goods-icon 365  Premium Goods. Collecting from it earns Coins-icon 2,205-3,614 Coins. Appraisal of your downtown must be at least 6,000 - or unlocking it costs Cash-icon 58 Cash. It has a DowntownValue cardIcon 815-1595 Downtown Value.

Tunes 2 Go-icon Tunes 2 Go has a maximum efficiency of 9.00 coins per good.

Tunes 2 Go-icon Tunes 2 Go has a maximum efficiency of DowntownValue cardIcon 398.75 Downtown Value per square.

Collecting Bonuses[]

85%XP-icon 1 XP
15%2XP-icon 2 XP
10%Energy-icon 1 Energy

Direction SW Direction SE
Tunes 2 Go-SW Tunes 2 Go-SE