CityVille Wiki
Upgrade Time
Upgrade Time-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 8
Release DateDecember 5, 2012
DescriptionCity planners have decided to allow upgrades on family residences for a limited time only!
Mission fromThe Stumpfords-icon The Stumpfords
Generic house iconHave 4 Family residences
(Cash-icon 10 Cash)
Build3houses iconUpgrade 2 Family residences
(Cash-icon 30 Cash)
Permit factory0 iconCollect from Family Residence Office 4 times
(Cash-icon 20 Cash)
EnergyEnergy-icon 5 Energy
ItemZoning Permit-doober 2x Zoning Permits
Goal Completion
DescriptionYou're making good time as you race against the clock, but there's still more to do!
Goods ShareGoods-icon 50 Goods
Upgrade Time-icon Upgrade Time Hammer Time-icon Hammer Time

Timed Goal-icon Upgrade Time is a timed Downtown, Lakefront and normal City goal in CityVille. Players have 14 days to complete the questline.

The Stumpfords Father says: "Upgrade your family residences to increase your population without using up space!"


Mun family residence office s5 viral City is making some home improvements!

Player is upgrading their family residences! Maybe they'll finally install that pool on the roof everyone always talks about!
