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CityVille Wiki

This goal has been removed as of March 9, 2015.

Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
RequirementsXP-icon Level 35
Release DateJanuary 23-February 10, 2015
DescriptionLove is colorful. Love is romantic. Lovers belong to each other. That's love's truth. Happy new Valentine's Day!
Mission fromSamantha 2-icon Sam
Act 1: Colorful Love!
Act 2: Romantic Love!
Act 3: Faithful Love!
ItemRose Skyscraper-icon Rose Skyscraper
Goal Completion
DescriptionYour city is full of romantic atmosphere now.
XP ShareXP-icon 100 XP
Goods ShareGoods-icon 200 Goods

Timed Goal-icon Valentine's Day is a game-wide goal in CityVille that requires the completion of 9 goals to earn the Grand Prize of the Rose Skyscraper. All goals may be completed in any order once made available. Players have until March 9, 2015 to complete the Saga.

Completing Act 1-3 will reward Goods-icon 200 Goods to 5 other players via the Wall Post. Likewise, completing the Saga will reward XP-icon 100 XP.

Act 1: Colorful Love![]

Reward: Heart Lake Park
Heart Lake Park-icon
Colorful Love-icon Colorful Love New Love Gift From Architects-icon New Love Gift From Architects More Color, More Love-icon More Color, More Love
XP-icon 250 XP
Coins-icon 150,000 Coins
XP-icon 450 XP
Thanks Card-icon Thanks Card
Coins-icon 300,000 Coins
Thanks Card-icon Thanks Card
Color would bring more and more people to fall in love.
— Act 1 Completion

Act 1 Completion Share[]

Feed quest complete generic Player is building lots of colorful building during Valentine's Day.

Player has made the city more colorful and it may bring more lovers in the city!

Act 2: Romantic Love![]

Reward: Giant Rose Labyrinth
Giant Rose Labyrinth-icon
Romantic Love-icon Romantic Love Symbol Of Love-icon Symbol Of Love Rainbow Is Also Romantic-icon Rainbow Is Also Romantic
Goods-icon 2,000 Goods
Bonus Crew-icon 6x Bonus Crew
Coins-icon 200,000 Coins
Thanks Card-icon Thanks Card
XP-icon 400 XP
Thanks Card-icon Thanks Card
Romantic things would bring more and more people to fall in love.
— Act 2 Completion

Act 2 Completion Share[]

Feed act1 Player is building lots of romantic building during Valentine's Day.

Player has made the city more romantic and it would bring much more lovers in the city!

Act 3: Faithful Love![]

Reward: Crystal Lover Statue
Crystal Lover Statue-icon
Faithful Love-icon Faithful Love Steadfast Love-icon Steadfast Love Lock The Love Forever-icon Lock The Love Forever
Coins-icon 150,000 Coins
Zoning Permit-icon 7x Zoning Permits
Goods-icon 3,000 Goods
Thanks Card-icon Thanks Card
Coins-icon 450,000 Coins
Thanks Card-icon Thanks Card
Citizen would be led to the right way to faithful love.
— Act 3 Completion

Act 3 Completion Share[]

Feed quest complete generic Player is building lots of faithful love buildings during Valentine's Day.

Player has proved the faithful love!

Grand Prize[]

Reward: Rose Skyscraper
Rose Skyscraper-icon

Completion Share[]

Feed quest complete generic City completed all challenges of Valentine 2015!

City achieved a grand success and got lots of rare reward buildings!
