CityVille Wiki

This goal has been removed as of September 7, 2011.

Vote For Eating!
Vote For Eating!-icon
Image © Zynga
Goal Information
Release DateApril 24, 2011
DescriptionHelp Phil with his "eat to win" campaign!
Mission fromGovernor Phil 2-icon Governor Phil
More billy1 iconSupply your Franchises 5 times
(Cash-icon 15 Cash)
Increase population iconVisit 10 Neighbors
(Cash-icon 20 Cash)
Water neighbor crop iconWater 30 Neighbor's Crops
(Cash-icon 60 Cash)
GoodsGoods-icon 300 Goods
Goal Completion
DescriptionThank you for supporting my eating contest campaign! Tell friends I'm hungry to win!
Goods ShareGoods-icon 25 Goods
Training On Track!-icon Training On Track! Vote For Eating!-icon Vote For Eating! It's Eating Time!-icon It's Eating Time!

Vote For Eating! is a normal City goal in CityVille.

Governor Phil says: "The eating contest day has arrived and the polls predict I'm going to win by a landslide!"


Feed eatingcontest4 Player helps Phil cook up a campaign for the big eating day!

Player advised the Governor entering the City eating contest would increase his popularity and waistline! Tell friends for goods!
